Entity ( Andrew Desmond Jean Philippe Ferre)
Короткометражная фантастика Entity (Andrew Desmond JeanPhilippe Ferre) ENTITY VFX Breakdown by IMAGE IN WORK A horror vision that everybody has probably thought about. The movie ENTITY shows what could happen in such a situation, with dramatic scenes, amazing animations, special effects and of course a fantastic view out of space. ENTITY was directed by Andrew Desmond and produced by ROSSPROD, a French production company founded by Frédéric Rossignol and Laurent Fumeron, specialized in short films. They are currently developing feature films that are in preproduction. ENTITY was rendered at RebusFarm. It is the first French short film mixed in Dolby Atmos. It is currently selected in 8 festivals since February and has just won Best VFX at the Hollywood Horror Fest in LA. In the following interview you will find out more about the creation process of this movie. . ..