Nibble 65 Full Build, PE Foam, Tourmaline Blue Switches
Lets build the Nibble 65 by I added some features including millmax 7305, PE Foam, FR4 Plate, and OLED mod to keep the extra macro keys usable. Get yours here Nibble 65 Kit Nibble 65 FR4 Plate BITC Pro Micro OLED Display Review the official guide before assembly: Firmware Files: OLED Relocation Mod idea by Redditor, u, Barugi Timestamps 0:00 Dat BRoll 1:37 Nibble PCB 1:51 WS2812B LED Soldering 3:44 Reset Switch 5:01 IC Sockets 8:27 0. 1μF Capacitors 8:46 1N4148 Diodes 9:55 That One Special Diode 10:34 Bit