Attacked By The Most Dangerous Kitten While Preparing A Dinner
Attacked By The Most Dangerous Kitten While Preparing A Dinner This is the kitten we found under a car: It turns out she is quite dangerous and tries to attack us when we are not prepared. The kitten especially loves to attack Dessy while she is preparing a dinner. No feet are safe and no food is safe while the most dangerous kitten is around :) We have set up a PayPal donation account: We are Stoyan and Dessy from Bulgaria. We are not organization, neither a shelter, we are just an ordinary couple with a big dream. Everything we provide for the stray animals is coming from our own pockets or with the help of donations from our subscribers. We have 4 cats at home, all rescued from the streets Sopolcho Bagheera live with us while Alexa Rijo live with Dessy s mom, who has been feeding and caring of stra