Урок, 1. 8 Время Present Simple ТАКЖЕ и ТОЖЕ ALSO, THE SAME или TOO лексика ( VOCABULARY)
Vocabulary лексика (словарный запас) Often часто. I often go there. My brother often sees him. БУДЬТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНЫ НЕ ПУТАЙТЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И СЛУЧАИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ЭТИХ СЛОВ : 1) Also так же. I also (так же) think about it every day. 2) The same тот же (точно так же, тоже самое). My father tells her the same things (те же самые вещи). 3) Too тоже. I know it, too Я тоже думаю об этом. My sister says it, too Моя сестра тоже говорит так. More больше. I know more. My friend wants more. Noun существительное. I know this noun, too. I also know this noun. I know the same nouns verbs. Always всегда. I always do it. My mother always watches these funny videos. Usually обычно. My parents usually go there. With с. Without без. I go there with my brother. You do it without joy. And и. He has a dog and a cat. I like this car and this house. Or или. I often usually also go to this park or this square.