Cyberpunk 2077: How To Manipulate Your Audience
In this video I explain how CDRP managed to create the most hyped up videogame to date, thanks to their marketing team, they managed to manipulate their entire audience into thinking that Cyberpunk 2077 is some nextgen masterpiece but at the end of the day Cyberpunk Felt Like Cyberscam, Unfinished, Unstable False promises, all these factors helped make Cyberpunk 2077 The disappointment of the year. the sad this is I can t even call it a flop, since this lie is one of the fastest sold games ever. If you enjoyed this video give it a like, and leave a comment below with your thoughts FIND ME: Discord Steam Profile: Twitter: CREDITS: Outro Music: NEFFEX LOST WITHIN Intro: HOPIZ, cyberpunk2077