CZW 11th Anniversary Show
1. Irish Driveby (Rich Swann Ryan McBride) vs. The Switchblade Conspiracy (Joe Gacy Sami Callihan) 2. Aaron Arbo vs. AR Fox vs. Unbreakable Andy 3. The Best Around (Bruce Maxwell TJ Cannon) vs. Team Macktion (Kirby Mack TJ Mack) (CZW Tag Team Title Match) 4. Drake Younger vs. JC Bailey 5. DJ Hyde vs. Nick Gage (Unlucky 13 Staple Gun Match) 6. Greg Excellent vs. Adam Cole vs. Devon Moore vs. Drew Blood vs. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Sabian (CZW Junior Heavyweight Title Six Way Match) 7. Cult Fiction (Brain Damage tHURTeen) vs. The Suicide Kings (Danny Havoc Scotty Vortekz) 8. Brain Damage vs. DJ Hyde vs. Drake Younger vs. Drew Gulak vs. Egotistico Fantastico vs. Greg Excellent vs. JC Bailey vs. Nick Berk vs. Nick Gage vs. Ryan McBride vs. Sami Callihan vs. Scotty Vortekz (CZW World Heavyweight Title, 1 Contendership Battle Royal) 9. BBoy vs. Jon Moxley (CZW World Heavyweight Title Match)