Foreign Minister Fist bump US Germany cozy up on Ukraine (full show)
, QuestionMore, RTAmerica, InQuestion Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Germany today on a stopover between yesterdays talks with Ukraines President and tomorrows discussions with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Geneva. Its beginning to look like peace in Europe could hinge on Secretary Blinkens lastminute tour of Europe. RTs Peter Oliver has more. (1:10) Former UK MP George Galloway and Dr. Eike Hamer, publisher of Wirtschaft Aktuell join In Question to discus (5:12). The University of Michigan agreed to pay 490 million to resolve claims of sexual assault against a former sports doctor accused of abusing mostly male athletes for decades. Victims hope the deal will also lead to major culture changes at the college. RTs Mollye Barrows reports. (16:35) Then, host of Watching the Hawks Tyrel Ventura weighs in. (20:19) 00:00 FULL SHOW 01:10 Blinken in Europe 05:12 George Galloway Dr. Eike Hamer 16:35 University of Michigan Sexual Assault 20:19 Tyrel