Anyma Sentient
Buy, Stream: Anyma, a radical new multidisciplinary digital project from Tale Of Us innovator Matteo Milleri, arrives on Afterlife. Matteos achievements with Tale Of Us need little introduction. Soaring to the highest heights of success, he is now exploring the realm of the metaverse with his hybrid persona, Anyma. The Sentient EP signals the arrival of this integrative algorithmic consciousness. The title track holds true to the labels progressive sound, with a percolating low end, emotive synth stabs and moments of deep contemplation. Reminding features the wistful vocals of Rosa Anschütz, complemented by the propulsive energy of its bassline and urgent programming. A soaring breakdown takes us into the electrifying second half. Fragments takes a more pensive stance, evoking melancholy melodies and deeply sombre tones, encouraging the listener to journey inward. Finally, Omnia has that classic Afterlife sound, while offering a glimpse of our techno