Scott Pilgrims Finest Hour Fan Trailer
This is a little fan trailer I put together in anticipation for the 6th and final volume in the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series coming out July 20th, 2010. If you have not read any of the Scott Pilgrim books, I highly implore that you do. I myself got into the books recently, and I absolutely love this story and these characters. The writing is an awesome mix of action, comedy, and romance, while the artwork is a unique style all of its own, almost like a mix of western and Japanese animation with bits and pieces of video game elements thrown in once and a while. It s a style that I would really like to see animated someday, and if we re lucky, maybe the upcoming movie may give us bits and pieces of that. Also, I personally just love the character of Scott Pilgrim. His fun personality, simpleyettimeless design, determination to lead a happy, peaceful life, and his unconditional love to his dream girl, Ramona Flowers, has easily made him the everyman of today s generation of you br, br,