Pizza Tower Absolute Absur Ziti V2 ( Lap 4 Fanmade OST)
the absolute absurziti you guys deserve; ) this time it s less of a joke and more of a serious thing and it s not as shitty as the original absurziti (i hope) this is probably the one of the best things i ve made so far musicwise enjoy; 3 incept ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SONG INFO FACTS the original lap 4 was made as a joke about lap 3 AND last breath in one sitting V1 was made in 4 hours V2 was also made in 4 hours, but this time it has more effort i do not know how to mix properly :( did you know that the original absolute absurziti could ve just been called absolute absurdity this fits the original vibe i was going for in V1 a lot better V1 actually fucking sucks, idk why people like it so much :( original creation date: 8, 16, 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ legal stuff :(