Legend Of The Raintree (1958)
Full title reads: Regents Park. The Legend Of The Raintree. Regents Park, London. GV Miss Raintree County, parading towards camera wearing 1860 outfit. CU Miss Raintree County turns in front of camera and we see her widebrimmed hat and umbrella. CU two women in audience passing comment. LV Mrs Miss Raintree County parading. CU Mrs Miss Raintree. SV Mrs Raintree. CU Miss Raintree. SV Bowler hatted gent. SV Model parading, showing Riche s fantastic hairstyle. CU On top of model s head is a miniature tree with five apples and a snake, which twirls around tree and down the side of her face, with its head by the nape of her neck. CU Pan from apples to snake s head. GV Models wearing fashions on lawn, a waiter comes out and hands them drinks. CU Models drinking. LV 3 men in a boat waving from river. SV Miss Susanna, the Southern belle, waving back. Intertitle reads: Germany. CU Man s foot tapping as he plays piano. CU Pianist. SV Trombone, trumpet and clarinet players. SV Feet tapping and hands cla