Soft Fist, Rou Quan Shaolin Qi Gong Tutorial
Shaolin Rou Quan Liver Interactive Seminar (16 18 24 April 2021): Happy Friday Everyone Hope you enjoy training this section of Shaolin Soft Fist, Rou Quan Qi Gong. If you would like to take a deep dive into this beautiful form, join Shifu Yan Xin (34th Generation Shaolin Disciple) this April 2021, in our Live Spring Seminar. Seminar Dates: 1618 24 April 2021 For more details about how to join: Rou Quan is known for its fluid, powerful and beautiful movements. The Rou Quan style originates in the teachings of Tai Chi Quan and is closely related to the principles of Qi Gong. The combination of internal and external techniques in this form gives Rou Quan its dynamic character. The combination of soft and flowing movements with elements of strength and explosiveness makes this an Advanced Form. , ShaolinKungFu, ShaolinQiGong, QiGong