The greatest smoke tricks ever
Another compilation video of some mind blowing smoke tricks and this time I edited in awesome slow motion. Track List: 00:00 00:14, 00:48 00:56 MF DOOM Vomitspit 00:00 00:20 Dilated Peoples Worst comes to worst 00:20 00:22 edubble Drinking with my headphones on 00:23 00:25, 00:44 00:47, 00:57 01:05, 01:19 01:22, 01:36 01:50, 01:52 01:55 Collie Budz Blind to You 00:26 00:33, 01:16 01:19, 01:50 01:52 Cecil Otter Blacklist 00:33 00:39,