Why do people say Artillery sucks in Nu TW
As loud and fearsome and devastating as it ought be, unfortunately the flaccidification of the artillery in NuTW is one of the most striking and uncanny of its regressions. You see this to an extent in Three Kingdoms with its own crappy implementations of trebuchets and ballistae, but it s really Warhammer that takes the piss and turns it into meaningless arcadey pablum, in almost every sense. If you want to see TRUE flaccidification, there s my video that outlines what happened to ranged combat in general (guns, crossbows, slings And here s the petition to have guns fixed in Warhammer 3: Guns suffer from many of the same shortcomings, and it s obviously for all of the same reasons. My linked ranged combat video above goes into that in extensive detail. , dontcarelookscool, smolfamilycompany, shorts Best way to support me and what I do: , 650