I Am A God Affirmations Higher Self Affirmations Godlike Empowerment Hemisync Binaural Beats
This affirmation track is focused on awakening your higher self within your individuated consciousness. There is only one Self in all existence. Your consciousness is not Absolute, but it is one with the Absolute and infinite, only limited by your stage of development. The Vedic teaching Atman is Brahman means your consciousness is part of the infinite Self, which is without other. The Hermetica teaches, If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by Ye are gods is one of the only lines repeated twice in the Bible (Psalm 82 John 10). The conscious mind is like a reducing valve that limits the awareness of our transcendent nonphysical infinitude. The more you identify with your highest self, the more you will embody it in the physical, and move upward. Be a Patron and get exclusive tracks and ALL downloads: Guidebook to make your own affirmation tra