Black Tiger Sex Machine Zombie (feat. Panther)
Stream Download here: In 2034, the world is overpopulated. The US government attempts to disseminate a virus through tainted vaccines that kill off the weak. The injection plot is discovered as the infection grows beyond the governments control. A Germanborn doctor living in the US, Dr. Kannibalen, develops an antidote for the virus in the form of a competing virus that stimulates the immune system, but news of this discovery reaches the ears of an antipopulation militia that dispatches an elite team of assassins to eliminate Dr. Kannibalen. The assassination fails. When the killers open fire on Kannibalens house, his wife and daughter are hit, but the Dr. escapes. Fleeing deep into the wilderness to his hidden laboratory, he becomes consumed by rage, casting blame for his familys death on all of humankind. He becomes obsessed with cleansing the planet and reengineers his cure into an even more potent virus that he spreads through th