Vivaldi Four Seasons: Autumn ( Autunno) Full. Original version. Carla Moore Voices of Music RV 293
The full version of Vivaldi s Autumn, performed on original instruments by the award winning Early Music ensemble Voices of Music. Carla Moore, solo baroque violin. 4K video from our December, 2018, concerto program. Please subscribe to our channel For the Four Season, Vivaldi created four different styles of composition for each season. In Autumn, the composer uses a complex, dual ritornello form with the thematic material shared by the soloist. In addition, there are some surround sound effects to imitate the sound of the hunters, as short themes are rapidly exchanged across the sound stage. To show the interplay of the soloist and the ripieno, we filmed using ultra wideangle lenses with deep stage focus that renders all of the performers clearly. Other innovative compositional elements include moving the rhapsodic adagio for solo violin into the first movement, then providing a second adagio for harpsichord as t