Fox Lake Born 2 Lose ( Official Music Video)
Pre Save Lady Luck EP: Youre in a headlock In the arms of the brother Got the rope tied tight by the hands of the mother Mouth shut by the lips of the sister Father breaks your knees and calls you a quitter They say nothing wrong And we believe them Im nobody special and to be honest neither are you Youre a cog in the machine that fuels wars and greed Built off the backs of those really in need So what more does the man got to offer Schools fall apart while the wealth gap gets larger And their feet sink deeper into unmoveable alters As they change the law with their lawyers and we call them our employers Cant put no muzzle on me Eat the rich Exploited labor Love thy neighbor Dollar sign Bottom line Bottom feeder Give to Caesar Mass produced for mass profit Dirty hands with deeper pockets We were born to lose The system hates you