Mike Mareen Love Spy (1986) Instrumental Cover
Visit my website: I have been wanting to recreate this beautiful EuroDisco, ItaloDisco music for a long time and I finally managed to make it come true I loved Love Spy of 1986 ever since I heard it for the first time (along with other great Mike Mareen songs from the 80s like Agent Of Liberty and Dancing in the Dark, but also the 70s). Check out his official channel: As is often the case, for many songs, soundtracks there is no information available on what the composers used to create these music. It is not the first time that I have relied on intuition, experience and in particular my ear to try to understand with what and how to recreate all the sounds of this track. I worked hard on each sound to try and make my version as authentic as possible. In the end I was very happy with the final result and I hope you enjoy watching this video :) You can