32000 Watts Blown Memphis subs 16 15s and 8 4k memshis amps
32000Watts Blown Memphis subs 16 15 s and 8 4k memshis amps, clamshell style box, built by the radio doctor corey. blew 2 amps, and at least 3 subs and maybe even 12 or more they were smoking like crazy most car audio smoke ive seen in awhile nice windshield flex, you can tell as the subs start blowing the windshield starts moving less and less. the multimeter was reading 18. 2 volts just before this run. i was hoping to see a 160+ but didnt get to. the was another van there that hit harder than this with only 4 RE MT s on 4 AQ 3500D s, that guy hit a 159. 9 . 1 db i would have got to see a 160 for the day lol. could fry eggs or toast marshmallows from the heat How to destroy audio equipment to burn br, br,