Songs and Photographs: Anthony Wilson with Joshua Crumbly and Jay Bellerose
This visual and sonic performance by Anthony Wilson with musicians Joshua Crumbly (bass) and Jay Bellerose (drums) was presented at ICA LA on December 7, 2022 to celebrate Wilson s book Songs and Photographs, published by ICA LA Bookshelf Resident Little Steidl. About Anthony Wilson: Anthony Wilson is a guitarist and composer known for a wideranging body of work that moves effortlessly across genres. With thirteen albums to his credit, Wilsons first recording garnered a Grammy nomination for Best Large Ensemble Jazz Recording, and was followed by the critically acclaimed Goat Hill Junket and Adult Themes. His album Power of Nine was included in The New Yorkers roundup of that years topten jazz albums. The celebrated Seasons: Live at the Metropolitan Museum of Art documents, in music and video, the story of Wilsons collaboration with master luthier John Monteleone on a suite of music written specifically for Monteleones masterpiece Four Seasons quartet of guitars. Recent