5 types of foods that aid in weight gain Foods that help in weight gain
5 types of foods that aid in weight gain Foods that help in weight gain In the journey of gaining weight, selecting the right foods plays a crucial role in ensuring you receive the necessary nutrients and energy. Here are 5 types of foods that support the weight gain process effectively. 1. HighQuality Red Meat: Red meat is a source of highquality protein and healthy fats to aid in weight gain. Protein helps build muscles, while fats provide energy. Choose meats such as beef, lamb, or highquality poultry to ensure optimal nutritional content. 2. Quinoa: Quinoa is a quality carbohydrate source that provides sustained energy. It also contains ample protein, vitamins, and minerals, supplementing essential nutrients during the weight gain process. 3. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds, like almonds and flaxseeds, are rich in nonsatiating fats and protein. They offer abundant energy, supporting healthy daily calorie intake. 4. FullFat Milk and Dairy Products: Milk, ful