Friday Freakout: Skydivers Chest Strap Is Undone In Freefall
Get your TEEM gear here: For licensing, usage pleasecontact and reference CS00412 WHAT HAPPENED This skydiver with around 50ish jumps had incorrectly routed his chest strap, resulting in the chest strap coming undone in freefall. Fortunately, another jumper in the group a Tandem Instructor with over 3, 000 jumps noticed the chest strap flapping in the wind; the TI grabbed his friend to show him that the chest strap was undone. After he realized what was going on, the jumper grabbed onto the strap, deployed his main canopy and landed safely without further incident. WHY DID IT HAPPEN Incorrect Routing The jumper had incorrectly routed his chest strap. He failed to go around the friction adapter and then back under it. That routing is what allows friction to be created by the pressure of the adapter pressing the strap against the square ring. Physical Gear Check