Chinese Food 101: North vs. South vs. East vs. West Eat China ( S1 E1)
Chinese food is much more than just stirfry, noodles, and dumplings. In this video, we break down Chinese food into roughly four schoolsnorth, south, east, and westand explain what makes them different. This is the first episode in a 13part series on Chinese food (we know, its a lot). Stay tuned for our deep dive into regional Chinese cuisine. And you liked this video, we have more stories about Chinese food, including: Why Its So Hard to Find Sichuan Peppercorns in America We Went to Dim Sum School in Hong Kong Follow us on Instagram for behindthescenes moments: Stay updated on the latest on Twitter: Join the conversation on Facebook: Have story ideas Send them to us at , china, chinesefood, explainer Producer and Host: Clarissa Wei Videographer: Nicholas Ko Editor and Animation: Ray Ngan Mastering: Victor Peña Music: Audio Network