Complete Devotion ( Cosmos 2008) ( Hasumi Yuuya and Sumireno Rei)
Sasuke (apprentice at the drugstore Mozuya) Hasumi Yuuya Shunkin (second daughter of Mozuya; is blind) Sumireno Rei Ritarou (prodigal son of the grain store Minoya) Kotobuki Tsukasa ORan (a geisha and pupil of Harumatsu Kengyou) Fujisaki Eri Senkichi (apprentice at Minoya) Asane Satsuto Ishibashi (a researcher of Osaka s local history) Yakumo Mika Mamoru (a young man in the modern day) Sumiki Sayato Yuriko (Mamoru s girlfriend) Kotoha Sakurako Yasuzaemon (Shunkin s father) Kazari Jin Shige (Shunkin s mother) Ayazono Yuki Harumatsu Kengyou (Shunkin s teacher) Natsu Hiromi Bantou (head clerk of Mozuya) Akatsuki Gou OKimi (servant at Mozuya) Mikaze Maira OYoshi (servant at Mozuya) Hanatsuyu Sumika