Table Tennis Star Designer (1960)
M, Ss of table tennis stars Peggy Frank and Ronald Hook dressed in sports clothes. C, Us Miss F and then her plimsoled feet jumping about as she plays. C, U of Miss F sketching a dress design; commentator says she has been gaining recognition in dress designing. M, S of her sitting in a room surrounded by rolls of brightly coloured fabric, with sketches of dress designs pinned up on the walls. Mr H enters the room and sits beside her to discuss the design. C, U as they discuss possible fabrics (Mr H turns his nose up at a pink patterned material), decide on a pale pink seersucker one and both get up and walk out of the shot. C, U panning shot of various pieces of material and a doll dressed in a red and white frilly dress. We are told that Miss F specialises in making clothes for dolls; she and her husband employ 350 workers that turn out 5, 000 outfits a day. M, S of Miss F s mother seated at a sewing machine, sewing a doll s dress. Miss F enters and shows her the chosen fabric and design. The mother