AMN 001 cmpl
The film A Murdered Nightmare is devided up into 6 parts, each is about 1 hour long. What you will see here are raw edits, so the parts could be changed a bit in the last edit. At the moment the films are only available in the original format, in Dutch language. Shortly they will also be available in English and German language (VoiceOver s) We are sorry that we cannot offer Russian language, that would afford too much work. NOTE: the tragedy around the 14 year old girl Karla van Houten from the Netherlands REALLY happend in the way which is shown in the filmparts, about 10 years ago, also in the Netherlands If you are interested, you can follow the editwork and the progresses a bit under: All parts should be ready and online (here on around end of the year 2019, maybe a bit earlier, 4 parts should be online now or within the next few days, 2 more parts have to be edited completely. That takes a little