R. Stevie Moore Been Waiting (2009to19)
song composed by Dino Felipe, sound as recorded by RSM, 14 Evelyn Place Tapes, Bloomfield NJ 2010, from the album SPACE BAR, visual as created by Prop r Gand r (R. Hawkins), Murfreesboro TN, Autumn 2019, all copyrights reserved protected by lawyers BEEN WAITING (Dino Felipe) 2001 Chorus Sunset, been Waiting, for Sunsets, been Waiting, for 1 Never been the Same in my Heart You know it s True It s really Bad. Never been the Same in my Soul Since I ve been Used so Much. Always coming Downtown. Blood s coming down. . Downtown. Chorus 2 Never been in Touch with my Heart You Never lose Touch been so Smart. Never lose Touch with my Soul Always been good as food. Know this always Ends with my Soul Blood has been a Friend with my Touch. Always Saying I m in Love with your Touch Always standing youre too Much, too Much. Chorus, Chorus