My Bridgerton Score, Entry by Roxana Line ( Spitfire Bridgerton Scoring Competition 2022)
, MyBridgertonScore, Entry by Roxana Line. Here is the music that I wrote as my entry for the Spitfire Bridgerton Scoring Competition 2022, in sync with the clip from Bridgerton Netflix series kindly provided by Shondaland and Netflix for this contest. Thank you Spitfire Audio and Kris Bowers for hosting this competition I really appreciate the opportunity and I cant wait to take part in more scoring competitions in the future I also wish best of luck to all the participants Music by Roxana Line , MyBridgertonScore, RoxanaLine, roxanalinemusic, music, filmscore, scoring, filmmusic, logicprox, composer, scorecomposer, musician, musiccomposer, femalecomposer, mondaymix, soundtrack, originalmusic, originalscore, sundayscores, spitfireaudio, labscommunity, avidprotools, netflix, bridgerton, bridgertonseason1