Tuba Skinny in Philly Gimme Some, the encore, with an ecstatic response from the large crowd
September 2, 2022 at the Commodore Barry Club, the Irish Center in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia You ve Gotta Give Me Some by Spencer Williams was first recorded by Bessie Smith June 21, 1929 Original Lyrics Lovin is the thing I crave, For your love I d be your slave, You gotta gimme some, Yes, gimme some Can t you hear me pleading You gotta gimme some Said Miss Jones to old butcher Pete, I wanna piece o your good old meat You gotta gimme some, Oh, gimme some I crave your round steak, You gotta gimme some Sweet as candy in candy shop Is just your sweet lollipop. You gotta gimme some, Please gimme some I love all day suckles, You gotta gimme some To the milkman I heard Mary scream, Said she wanted a lots of cream You gotta gimme some, Oh, gimme some Catch it when you come sir, You gotta gimme some Hear