Madagascar: Fighting the fossas ( HD CLIP)
Madagascar: Fighting the fossas Whats happening in this Madagascar movie clip Marty (Chris Rock) is saved by Melman (David Schwimmer) and Gloria (Jada Pinket Smith) from the fossas. Alex (Ben Stiller) arrives and pretends to want Marty for himself in order to escape from the hungry fossas. Whats the movie Madagascar about Meet Marty (Chris Rock), Alex (Ben Stiller), Gloria (Jada Pinket Smith) and Melman (David Schwimmer), four animals who have been living in the Central Park Zoo their entire life. When Marty, a zebra longing to discover the landscapes of Africa, one day disappears from his cage, his three best friends manage to break free to go look for him. But when the rescue operation takes an unexpected turn, the four of them end up stranded on the strange island of Madagascar. There they must all learn to adapt to living in the wild without having their natural instincts take over too much as they might become dangerous to each other. Rent or buy Madagascar here: https:,