How to Change Your Brain Waves
This week, I have released the first of 3 very special compilation, FBLM podcasts to wrap up 2019. The first one is all about our minds. Our minds are simply not designed for the modern world. 21st century living is tormenting them. Stress, overload, burnout and infinite things to do. The incredible pace of human civilisation has far outrun our brains ability to cope. But there are simple things we can all do very single day. Many of them only take 5 minutes which is why I wrote my upcoming book, Feel Better in 5. If you are a fan of the podcast, you are going to LOVE the latest episode. I hope it will be a bit like a Greatest Hits of tips that you can use to help improve your mental health. There are tips from amazing guests such as Rahul, Tara, Natasha, Felice, Matt Haig: There are even more tips in the MIND section of my upcoming new book, ,FeelBetterIn5: How many of you spend at least 5 minutes per day to work on you br, br,