The King and Queen inspect troops in Hyde Park (1939)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Royal Family congratulates the citizens of London for participating in the war effort Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Hyde Park: EXT BALLOONS Above Hyde park when K Q review Nat. Service parade ELIZABETH, Queen w. King at Na. Service Review in Hyde Pk. v. g. GEORGE VI w. Queen at National Service Review in Hyde Park. V. G. HYDE PARK National service parade reviewed by K Military Active; George VI of Great Britain; Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Royalty George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother, Queen Mum, parde, troops, national guard, national service, propaganda, WWII, World War Two, World War II, Second World War, War, Allied, Allies Background: The Royal Family congratulates the citizens of London for participating in the war effort FILM ID: VLVA36M6RQQJYWN5NSLC7W0YC38NB To license this film, vis