Tiny SSTO Evolution with Mother ship
A Star Trek inspired SSTO small shuttle craft. Just big enough to transport an away team down to the surface of a M class planet. Haven t tested it on moons yet but maybe one day soon. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and share this video to help support the channel. Thank you for watching. WANT TO HELP SUPPORT VAOS CHANNEL SEND A TIP AT GAME : Kerbal Space Program VERSION 1. 12. 5 MUSIC : Kerbal Space Program 1 and 2 in game music. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : 1. When do you upload videos I make videos as often as I can. 2. What do you do for a living I work a full time construction job plus any overtime I can get. 3. Where can I download the craft file No downloads as of yet. I don t have the time, but these videos are meant for you to be inspired to build your own crafts. 4. WHY isn t th