Say My Name ( Female Ver. ), , Beetlejuice Cover by Reinaeiry, Annapantsu, Chloe Breez, Idrys LTS
Behold It is I, Sister of Beetlejuice, Antsmoothie. This was such a blast to do I ve always enjoyed the acting in this song (my neighbors would know, whew) + I needed an excuse to commission art of female Beetlejuice stares intensely I was inspired by RafScrap s Female Beetlejuice cover You can go check her channel out, she s AWESOME A HUGE THANK YOUUU to Anna (Yellow), Chloe (Pink), and Idrys (Blue) for helping me out with this cover You re all so spectacular. You can find the links to their channels right under this section. + This is my biggest collab to date and I learned so much about mixing different voices, YAY PS. one part Lydia uses he, him instead of she, her but do you really think Beetlejuice, evil demon of chaos, cares about what pronouns theyre called. Plus if you asked Beetlejuice what pronouns he uses, hed probably say something like your, mom. Vocals: Beetlejuice Reinaeiry (that s me, baby) Lydia Annapantsu (ww