South African school children welcome the Royal Family (1947)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Bloemfontein school children greet the Royal Family with song, the Royal party travels to City Hall for the official address of welcome and then leaves by aeroplane, the King and Princess Margaret on one plane and the Queen and Princess Elizabeth on another Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: School Children Welcome Their Majesties SOUTH AFRICA: Free State Province: Bloemfontein: EXT AEROPLANES BRITISH Viking taking off (Plane with King in flying to Northern part of S. Africa) Good for shot of plane taking off CHILDREN Children of Bloemfontein give Royal Family musical welcome during his tour PRINCESS ELIZABETH Musical greeting for Royal Family from children of Bloemfontein. Later, gets into plane with The Queen QUEEN ELIZABETH Musical greeting for Royal Family at Bloomfontein and later gets into plane with Prince