Beth Id lie (собственное производство)
Once you asked me If we were dating What it would be like Then I told you I had no clue And we both laughed Well, I lied, yes I lied For yoг wouldnt like to hear the truth I had in mind Id fall in love with you And I would admire you And youd make me feel so happy For a day or two When youd call me Id be coming Any time of day or night And when you wouldnt Id be patient For youd sure have a good excuse And thats alright Yes Id lie. Id be wrong Cos deep down I would know you just preferred To stay alone You wouldnt love me back But youd let me stay around Cos Im so fucking beautiful and yet unable To break your heart You would be safe and free To leave any time you need And Id not tell you how It scares me And Id lie, lie and lie To keep you near just in case youd love me In a while Lets keep laughing Please forget it Please dont make me lie Do not try, do not try For I know exactly what it would Be like