Saturday Sore Feet Recovery Stream Some News: w, Mr. Mission Control :o, , ::: , ,o
Powered by Restream Sorry I wasen t Live last night guys and gals, I had some medication issues from dealing with my endema, (I think that is what I have is called) It messed with my mind besides helping my feet so I can t recall much of the day yesterday. Backup Channel: ATTN: Content creators get your free your month of noncopyrited music Epidemic Sound: when you sign up, some of the best music out there updated regularly and pretty much all gneres. Mix search your own genres and styles and moods to find the perfect track for your backgrounds or theme music. I love it, you can even download the quips and full tracks as mp3 or wav files, no charge, it s great for createing your own music from the great tracks you find. Creative Commons Attribution License Disclaimer: All acknowledgements are to be assumed givin to any and all