Girls who are Spiritual but NOT religious
Gents, many of the women you meet will proudly proclaim on first dates or on their online dating profiles to be Spiritual but not religious. Its a very modern, cosmopolitan, mainstream thing to think about oneself that I wouldnt regard as a major red flag of a blender a woman that you should avoid getting involved with. But I draw a distinction between genuinely religious women and spiritual women. Organized religion and church attendance imbue some concrete morality, humility, selfcontrol, and fear of the metaphysical consequences of sin whereas a lot of Eastern and new age spiritual dalliances are merely dressed up navelgazing. Read Everything mentioned here My book for men Don t Stick Your Dick in a BlenderHow to meet a nice girl insteadfrom a tantric husband with a better sex life than you PLEASE ORDER it here (audiobook included) Download 4 sample chapters