The MANY options using LOG CABIN BLOCKS in your Quilt Design
In this video, I ll explore the many uses of the amazing and wellknown LOG CABIN block. This is more of a here s what you can do with them approach as it is a technique. All the links mentioned in the video will be below in the description. 00:00 Intro 04:04 African Inspirations, TOO (free pattern) 05:11 Framed Log Cabin (project sheet) 07:11 76 Clambones 08:03 Star Flower (project sheet) 08:57 Kalahari Calabash 10:12 Congo Logs 11:07 LOG CABIN Inspirations 13:56 Kaye s FIRST quilt Session FIVE handouts 76 Clambones: All Previous Session handouts: How To Make LOG CABINS blocks: Mastering the Connector Method: Donna McConnell book: Patchwork staycation Facebook Group: Kaye s Quilting College video playlist: