Perfect play JD vs Mind Starcraft Broodwar ( Star Cast TV English) N 427
Hello, friends A new video has been uploaded on StarCastTV Today is the Bo1 series of JD vs Mind (ZvT). Caster is Nyoken thanks for watching. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and like and Set my channel s alarm And please write comments for Caster who is trying hard for Starcraft fans Your support will greatly help StarCastTV produce better content and increase production value. StarCastTV ASL cast Patreon Supporters 25 20 Kyle 15 Proxy 10 Abe Lorber, Alex Bryan, Alex Petralia, Alexander Tsankov, Clayton Du, krrrzzz 5 David Borgonjon, Fang Cao, Grant, James Montgomery, Lukáš Domin, midnightpineapple, Sony Black, telamascope, snpy, ND StarCastTV Patreon Supporters 20 Sebastian Lundberg 15 Jon 10 proxy, StRyKeR, Richard Nienaber, Paul Preuss, Grant, Erik, pecan, Jeremy Meadow