Compendium: Dagon Vancouver Film School ( VFS)
This short film is one part of Compendium Volume 1, H. P. Lovecraft, an innovative digital publication for tablet devices. Compendium is produced by students in the oneyear Entertainment Business Management program at Vancouver Film School. Find out more at Dagon was created by students and graduates from the following VFS programs: Producer: Myles Messinetti Associate Producer: Justin Norton Writer: Steve Toms Senior Mentors: Brett Forsyth, Myron Campbell Executive Producers: Sebastien De Castell Jessica Leigh ClarkBojin Director: Michael Chase Asset Creation: Jadyn Aguilar Jessica Leigh ClarkBojin Editing Keying: Ian Berg Stefan Ramirez Perez Actors: Matt Willems Director of Photography: Randy Che 1st A. D: Hillary Hodges Assistant Camera Operator: Thanh Doan Composer: Colin Everall Sound Design: Taavo Ruberg Sound Mixer: Taavo Ruberg MakeUp: Christa Monroe Photography: Sam Green br, br,