Usually people are most proud of their best lifts after competitions but for this one, I m most pr
Usually people are most proud of their best lifts after competitions but for this one, Im most proud of my improvement in my nemesis exercise: the squats. For my last rep one of the judges said you went so deep I wasnt sure you were gonna come back up again Still felt super strong and my confidence in training will go At nationals in February this year (that I won yey) I struggled with for reference, so Ive improved with this year in squats only In March I made a post stating that I know that I will become good at squatting this year and I have kept that mindset in training and done more sets than ever. And it payed off Im also proud of a silver medal in the total and bench press and a gold in deadlift. Of course. It was a really fun competition and I got to meet some really inspiring athletes Squat: 135 145 150 PR) Bench press: 95 100 105 (been suffering from my nerve injury so less bench training. No surprise) Deadlift 180 (+5kg PR record. In hindsight I should have gone for 200) Total: BW: 68kg