Zionist Rabbi Shmuley HUMILIATED By Palestinian While Ice Skating
Watch the full discussion with Norman here: 00:00:00 intro 00:00:38 Rabbi Shmuleys tweet 00:01:24 so lets see what happened Video of Jamal 00:04:26 Jamal explains what happened 00:05:07 Shmuleys media appearances College student Jamal Mohammad talks about his viral interaction with zionist, Israeldefending, Kosher Sex author, Republican rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Jamal Mohamad is a secondgeneration PalestinianAmerican born and raised in North Carolina. He is the current president of the Arab Student Organization at North Carolina State University and has firsthand witnessed the brutal Israeli occupation and apartheid system during his time in Palestine. Jamal s Twitter: jamalmohamad02 Jamal s Instagram: Please support The Katie Halper Show For bonus content, exclusive interviews, to support independent media to help make this program possible, please join us on Patreon Get your Katie Halper Show Merch here Follow Katie on Twitter: kthalps