Lacie Picked Up By Truck Driver Black Mirror Help Network ( Nosedive S3 E1)
Lacie is picked up by truck driver Susan on Black Mirror. Both have low social media ratings. A HELP NETWORK is AntiSocial Credit System. Imagine knowing the profile of who is Changing social media to helpful paradigms. Have you picked up hitchhikers or defended people even if alone (including online) The people you help might have low SOCIAL STATUS ratings unjustly as does Lacie (only for acting out at an airport). That s often why they become Technology nonprofits are very rare. From Season 3, Episode 1, Are you like the Truck Driver , BlackMirror, SocialMedia, HelpNetwork, BryceDallasHoward, Worldie, SocialCredit, HelpOthes, Charity, Nonprofit, Nosedive, Technology