Vivre pour vivre. Francis Lai
Robert Colomb (Yves Montand), a famous TV newscaster, is married to Catherine (Annie Girardot), but is continually unfaithful. He is about to replace his current mistress, Mireille (Irène Tunc), with Jacqueline (Anouk Ferjac) when he meets, and becomes fascinated with Candice (Candice Bergen). He takes her along on an assignment in Kenya and later establishes an arrangement with her in Amsterdam. When he tells Catherine about the affair, she is silent. He is assigned to Viet Nam, tells Candice their affair is over and, to his astonishment, discovers that is more than acceptable to her as she as tired of him. French composer Francis Lai is very well known for his breakthrough song Un homme et une femme (1966) Lesser known, however, is the film from the next year called Vivre pour Vivre (Live For Life). It was the second collaboration between Lai and the french director Claude Lelouch. It was nominated for an Academy Award and won a Golden Globe. Lai composed a specific theme for each of