teresapalmer И Тереза Палмер, Диана Бишоп 20, 10, 2022
ИТереза Палмер, Диана Бишоп 20, 10, 2022 teresapalmer Ahhh the calm before the storm. My hubbo took this photo 2 days ago right before an infestation of THOUSANDS of flying termites broke their way through our walls and took flight around our home crawling on all our things, flapping about but not before black ants stormed their way through the unfinished skirting boards and promptly started attacking, eating the unsuspecting termites (a literal nature doco before our eyes) Mark spent hours escorting these things outside in groups of 10 with his flashlight as they were attracted to the light, ew but YAY thought the problem was solved. Wrong we were . ..