Black Bird Visiting Hour, Scene Read, Apple TV+
See how Ray Liotta and Taron Egerton turn a brilliant script into a powerful scene. Black Bird now streaming on Apple TV+ Inspired by actual events, when high school football hero and decorated policemans son Jimmy Keene (Taron Egerton) is sentenced to 10 years in a minimum security prison, he is given the choice of a lifetime enter a maximumsecurity prison for the criminally insane and befriend suspected serial killer Larry Hall (Paul Walter Hauser), or stay where he is and serve his full sentence with no possibility of parole. Keene quickly realizes his only way out is to elicit a confession and find out where the bodies of several young girls are buried before Halls appeal goes through. But is this suspected killer telling the truth Or is it just another tale from a serial liar This dramatic and captivating story subverts the crime genre by enlisting the help of the very people put behind bars to solve its mysteries. Ensemble cast includes Taron Egerton, Pau