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hot fuck mother facker nou racker DRUGS DJ s И ТРЕКИ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ У ТЕХ У КОГО Я ОБУЧАЛАСЬ СТИЛЮ МУЗЫКИ МНЕ И МУЗЫКИ УЖЕ 23 ГОДА КАК МЫ ВМЕСТИ ЛЮБИМ ДРУГ ДРУГА ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО Faces Ive seen so many places All different kind of faces Dont know what day today is Cause tomorrow Ill be gone The city, the city never sleeps Ive seen so many places All different kind of faces Dont know what day today is Cause tomorrow Ill be gone Cause the city, the city never sleeps The city, the city never sleeps Cause the city, the city never sleeps The city, the city never sleeps Faces Ive seen so many places All different kind of faces Faces Ive seen so many places All different kind of faces