Typo at end of video, April 13th Huge thanks to Laura PhelpsSweatt and her husband Shane for holding this amazing meet. Next year s meet will be held on April 13th 2012 and will be ran at a bigger location. A total of in cash was awarded to the top 3 raw and equipped lifters and for bench only. Raw 1st place Irina Petrovich 1500 2nd place Angela Adams 500 3rd place Billie Jacobs 300 Equipped 1st place Nathalie Carr (Harrington)1500 2nd place Shany Gilbert 500 3rd place Jean Fry 300 Bench Only Rachel Nutter 500 Not to mention tons of prizes including 800 in gift certificates from John Inzer owner of Inzer Advance Designs along with a brand new pair of Inzer Gripper Knee Wrpas and a pink IAD tshirt to every lifter Huge thanks to Inzer Tony Ramos, owner of Swollen Knuckles also gave each top 3 lifter in raw and equipped S br, br,